09h30: Rehsmann Julia, University of Bern, University of Liverpool, PhD candidate, Research
Fellow, Anthropology
EPrec(ar)ious Live(r)s: An Anthropological Engagement with Failing Livers and the Promises of Transplant Medicine
09h50: Nyikuri Mary, Strathmore University, Doctoral Fellow, Anthropology
Nurses Perceptions about quality of inpatient care for sick newborns in Nairobi, Kenya
10h10: Mitra Sayani, University Medical Center Goettingen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Sociology
Disruptive Embodiments: An ethnography of risks and failures during commercial surrogacy in India
10h30: Lee Tsung-Ling, Center for biomedical ethics, Research Fellow, Law
Gene drives in the Global Age: Dual uses and the Rule of Law
10h50 – 11h05: coffee break
11h05: Hopman Roos, University of Amsterdam, MSc., PhD student, Anthropology
Facing the unknown suspect: An inquiry into ‘the face’ generated through Forensic DNA Phenotyping
11h25: Hauskeller Christine, University of Exeter, UK, Professor, Philosophy &
Harrington Jean, Senior Associate Innovation Unit, Dr., Bioethics – Medical Ethics
Toward Harmonized Ethical Standards
11h45: Canca Cansu, AI Ethics Lab, Dr. – Founder, Philosophy
Performance Arts and Professional Sports: Where is the moral limit?
12h05 – 13h30: Buffet lunch served by the Foundation in the Brocher Centre
13h30: Branagan Lesley, Leipzig University, PhD Candidate, Anthropology
Researcher, Bioethics – Medical ethics
AIship: The New States of Being