
Telemedicine in times of pandemic: A care ethics perspective


Telemedicine —the delivery of healthcare services at distance using information and communication technologies— offers a safe and cost-effective way to address the healthcare needs of patients no matter where they are. This technical possibility is particularly promising in the current circumstances of social/physical distancing, quarantine and isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite its obvious advantages, there are concerns about how the increasing use of telemedicine may impact the quality of care. This workshop aims to examine the ethical dimension of telemedicine from a care ethics perspective. The background question is: to what extent is the delivery of healthcare at distance compatible with an ethical approach that emphasizes the relational dimension of human beings and the importance of values such as benevolence, empathy and compassion in the physician-patient relationship? Special consideration will be given to particular categories of patients such as the elderly and those suffering from mental health issues. This workshop has been conceived by the Swiss Network of Ethics of Care (www.snec.ch) 

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